About me

My name is Guilherme and I'm a Brazilian Frontend Engineer.

I started my career as a freelancer web designer, working for small companies. In this meantime, I had contact with many areas, like frontend, backend, UX/UI, graphic design, copywriting, etc. I had to deal with everything that required some attention during the development of the websites and, despite of seems like something negative, it was wonderful, because I could explore many areas, tools and techniques which, otherwise, I would hardly have contact.

I'm a creative, restless and curious person. My hobbies are photography, music, sports and languages. Also, my musical taste are also very ecletic: my playlists might include Metallica, Taylor Swift or Michael Jackson (not in this specific order).

I'm always learning new technologies and concepts and trying to learn how I can use them to improve other people's life. Because, after all, technology is about that, right? People.


Frontend Engineer (React)


September 2020 - Presente · over 1 yearSão Paulo, São Paulo

"Development of the app (Starbem), using React Native, and the platform used by the doctors, using React. We used the most modern version of React (Hooks), with Context API to manage the state."

Analyst Developer III

Cadmus Soluções em TI

May 2020 - August 2020 · 3 monthsVotorantim, São Paulo

"Development and support of applications using React, Node.js, Redux and MongoDB"

Professor de React

Gama Academy

April 2020 - April 2020 · 29 daysSão Paulo, São Paulo

"The project was a course of React that I developed for Gama Academy, to be part of one of the Gama Experience, one of their major courses. In this course, I covered the fundamentals of this technology, such as components, state, properties, hooks, routes (using react-router-dom), HTTP requests, events, style (using styled-components), how to handle with errors and UX."

Frontend Engineer React (Volunteer)

Missão Covid

April 2020 - May 2020 · about 1 monthSão Paulo, São Paulo

"The project was a mission to guarantee free and online doctor's appointments to people with symptoms of covid, through telemedicine. It was idealized by Cristiano Kanashiro (CEO of GO.K) and Leandro Rubio (CEO of Starbem) and the platform was first built in two days by Julio Sousa (former Tech Lead of GO.K and current CTO of Starbem). I joined Missão Covid as a volunteer, alongside with other 19 profesionals, and we worked togeter to developed and mantain the new features of the platform. We used React, Node.js and GraphQL, and it was cross-platform. During the pandemic, more than 120,000 people were helped by more than 1,500 doctors that passed through the platform. Read more about the project: https://missaocovid.com.br/sobre-a-missao"

Frontend Engineer

DOK Despachante

July 2019 - May 2020 · 10 monthsSorocaba, São Paulo

"Development and maintenance of the frontend for the many projects that compose the company: checkout system, inside projects, landing pages, etc."


Cursinho do Prof. Carlão

March 2019 - April 2019 · about 1 monthVotorantim, São Paulo

"I teached classes of IT knowledge for public tender. The classes covered basic knowledge of Windows, Microsoft Office, network and internet."

Business Attendant

Horus Soluções e Serviços em Prevenção a Fraudes

February 2016 - July 2017 · over 1 yearVotorantim, São Paulo

"Analysis and fraud prevention of airline tickets. I also worked at the IT sector, helping with the maintenance of the infrastructure and also with the MIS."


The technologies and concepts which I have contact daily

  • Semantic HTML
  • Advanced CSS
  • CSS Preprocessors (Sass/SCSS)
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • React.js (hooks)
  • React Native
  • Context API
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby.js
  • Node.js
  • Database (MongoDB, MySQL, Postgres)
  • Git (Github e Bitbucket)
  • What I still don't know, I can learn quickly 🧙🏻‍♂️

Soft skills

Knowledges or techniques that are not technologies, but I also have contact daily

  • Creative
  • Clean Code
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Scrum Methodology
  • UX/UI (Figma, Photoshop)
  • Copywriting


  • Portuguese (Native Speaker)
  • English (C1)